The customer, in accordance with Art. 10 of Law 675/96, in relation to personal data obtained by filling in the web form ("Data"), is informed that:
a) the data will be processed by Rouge Audio Design S.r.l., also with the help of electronic means, for purposes relating to the performance of its obligations, for promotion of its products and/or services or to execute the relevant law and/or provisions of government authorities;
b) the provision of Data is optional. However, a refusal to provide the Data could lead to difficulties in the conclusion, execution and management of the relationship;
c) data will not be disclosed and may be transmitted only to certain subjects, commissioned by Rouge Audio Design S.r.l. for processing them, to achieve the contract purpose. The Data may be transmitted to companies specialized in the business of mailing, as well as to all persons to whom the communication is due to legal obligations;
d) the data will be communicated, for the purposes of paragraph c) above, to Italian and foreign companies, the parent, controlled by and / or linked, even indirectly, in Rouge Audio Design S.r.l. and / or its parent companies, subsidiaries, and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union and the United States;
e) the data controller is Rouge Audio Design S.r.l., against which the customer can exercise the rights under Art. 13 of Law 675/96 and in particular: to obtain confirmation of the accuracy of the personal data concerning them, their communication and information on the logic and purpose of treatment; obtain the cancellation, correction, update or obstruction of the same; address, for legitimate reasons, any opposition to processing for the purposes of commercial information or sending of advertising material.